Planting trees in support of the social partnership for a greener city of Vác

Our company, Éltex Ltd., together with the Bagolybükk Environmental and Nature Protection Association, the Municipality of Vác and the students of Vác, took action for making the city greener: together we planted 100 tree saplings across the city on Earth Day.
Discussions on species and locations started already months before, as we planned to plant native trees rather than invasive species. In addition to the forty secondary school students, many adult volunteers, city workers and, of course, the staff of Éltex Ltd. also took part in the work.
The horse chestnuts, willows, round ashes and globe maples donated to the municipality were planted in several places: not only in the streets of the city centre, but also on the Danube bank, on Dózsa György Road and on Földváry Square.
Az önkormányzatnak felajánlott vadgesztenyék, fűzfák, gömbkőrisek és gömbjuharok több helyszínen kerültek telepítésre: nemcsak a belvárosi utcákban, hanem a Duna-partra, a Dózsa György útra és a Földváry-térre is jutott a facsemetékből.