Steady progress at Éltex
Our company has again closed a successful year, which is confirmed by the balance sheet results completed in May. We are proud of the ongoing development that has been continuous for many years, thanks to our innovative, customer-centered processes, our hundreds of millions of investments and our team of experts.
We went through a difficult period last year, as raw material prices in the market were radically reduced and unfavorable over the months. The fall in oil prices has led to the collapse of plastic and secondary plastic raw market prices. The metal market also showed similar tendency. Despite these serious impacts, we continue to expand our complex waste management processes and service levels by acquiring 5 new and global partners.
Our revenue growth in 2016 reached 20% compared to the previous year. We are proud to receive the “A” category risk assessment of the most recognized rating agency in Central Europe, according to which our company is one of the most trusted players in busin
Our goals for the second half of 2017:
- Further market expansion in Central Europe
- Continuous increase in service quality
- Speeding up our investment schedule
The pledge of this successful expansion is our excellent partnership with Citibank, which has enabled us to provide flexible and competent funding for our investments. We will do our utmost to serve our partners’ needs fully and to reach Zero Waste To Landfill and their environmental goals as soon as possible.